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Rosh Hashanah Lunch

Saturday, September 16, 2023 1 Tishrei 5784

12:00 PM - 2:00 PMShoenberg Foyer & Edison Bridge

Immediately following Rosh Hashanah morning services, the celebration continues! Join us for a special Rosh Hashanah lunch, where you'll enjoy a buffet-style meal with delicious brunch favorites.

Thank you to our co-chairs: Karla & Steve Rosenblum!

Saturday, September 16 | 12:00 pm | Shoenberg Foyer & Edison Bridge

Admission: $36 for adults ages 13+ | $18 for children ages 5 - 12 | Free for children under 5
Cost per table: $250 for a table of 8 | $300 for a table of 10

RSVP required below.

We're here to help. Need help or prefer to RSVP via phone? Give our office a call at 314-432-8050.

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Sat, November 23 2024 22 Cheshvan 5785