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Ed center news

05/01/2024 10:26:02 AM



Deutsch Early Childhood Center and Temple Israel Religious & Hebrew School registration has officially opened and we can’t help but use this as an opportunity to share more about our programs and happenings over in our Education Center.

Our newest program, Shemesh, which means sun in Hebrew, is for students with special needs who are not able to access the typical classroom to come together to learn and make friends. This learning community shines when they meet thanks to our two educators, Riley Deutsch and Lindsay Rich. The energy and love you feel when you walk into the Shemesh class is palpable. We had a dream for this class, and we are so grateful Rabbi Amy encouraged us to apply for the Anything Grant through the St. Louis Jewish Federation, which made the class possible. If you or someone you know has a child with special needs that may benefit from joining Shemesh, find out more here.

Sundays at TI showcase another new program, TIYuL, which stands for Temple Israel Youth Leadership. This program is designed for students past their B’nai Mitzvahs and is elective-style with class topics to meet every interest: art, theater, and even comic books! The feedback from teens so far has been so positive! If you plan on becoming a Confirmand, you must attend at least one mini-mester — we promise, your teens will be hooked and want to attend all! This program is awesome and you can find out more here.

And over at Deutsch Early Childhood Center, we're excited to plan our 2nd annual Fall Festival which will be organized by our Parent Committee. It's such a fun afternoon that brings our DECC community together and also raises money for our school. We are also excited to host playground meetups again this coming year for all of our children and for Shemesh families, strengthening our parent community and giving our kids the chance to play outside of school hours. 

If you're just hearing about TI's Education Center, we work with children starting at 6 weeks old until they graduate from high school to foster a love of being Jewish or to be an ally of the Jewish people. If you'd like to find out more about all of our incredible programs and learning opportunities, visit or reach out to us with any questions!

Lesley Goldenberg
Director of Family Education
Sidni Weglarz
Religious School Director

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784