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"what is your reason to consider a legacy?"

12/19/2023 04:09:16 PM



In the early 1970s, Temple Israel had only four executive officers – the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Many Sunday mornings were spent, along with the membership chairman, in the Temple office discussing the operations of the Temple. Lou Loebner fondly reminisces on the close relationships with fellow officers and doing whatever it took to help the Congregation.

Lou’s readiness to serve was a part of his heritage here. His family has had a connection with the Temple for six generations. You can spot his mother as a part of the 1911 Confirmation class photo hung in TI’s hallway.

To Lou, raising money was the hardest thing in the world. “It was interesting to talk to people about how they’d like to contribute to the Temple, but it was difficult to ask." In 1989, Lou and his wife Carole decided to leave a legacy gift to TI without anyone having to ask. “I’d devoted thousands of hours to TI, served as treasurer for 17 years, revised and automated TI’s accounting system, was a charter member of the Shofar Society, and arranged the first funding of the endowment fund which did not exist prior to my term. I’ve been happy to be a part of the Temple’s success in those ways and leaving a legacy gift was my way to do a little more.” 

As a CPA for more than six decades, Lou strongly feels that everyone should consider a legacy gift. “It’s a question of survival. Costs are going up. Places have to make drastic cuts in expenses. People must contribute to keep things going.”

Though Lou spent his career and many, many volunteer hours using his financial skills, his reasons for choosing to leave a legacy to TI are also motivated by something much more personal than the numbers. “I also want to help younger people. I want to be remembered as helping the continuation and growth of Temple Israel. There’s something that clicks in you that makes you want to do that.What is your reason to consider a legacy?"

Tell us at about your reasons:

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784