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Louise Losos'S address to the congregation

12/01/2023 12:29:25 PM



By Immediate-Past President, Louise Losos

As I look back on 2023 at Temple Israel, I can’t help but consider my four years proudly serving as your president. It seems like such a short time ago that I began my term, but at times, it feels like I have been doing this forever. I began my tenure right before COVID, and I am ending it in a time of war. It is difficult to catalog the year when our minds and our hearts are in the East, as we anxiously listen to the news from Israel. As we go about our lives, we can't help but wonder, "will anti-Semitism strike here in St. Louis or at TI?"

But, even in these times, and over these very challenging years, there are pillars that we look to — core foundational values that we at Temple Israel lean on. And it is those core beliefs — Community, Connection, Inclusion, Learning, Worship, Repair of the World, and Change — that connect us and make our congregation strong in good times and in the tough ones.

Community & Connection
When Israel was attacked — we gathered as a community. On Shabbat we looked to our Rabbis and to each other for support. We found strength and solace in each other and we will continue to do so.

Our community is here for each other, and we believe in the strength of our diversity. Be your family traditional, interracial, interfaith, older or younger, single or married, or if you're Black, White, Asian, or from another culture or any ethnicity. Whether you were born into Judaism or chose it, or if you identify as gay or straight, cis or trans — we believe that so long as you want to part of this Reform Jewish community and desire a Jewish connection, then you have a place right here at Temple Israel.

As Jews, one of our primary impulses is always to learn and to know. During Rabbi Michael's Rosh Hashanah sermon, he shared ways to combat anti-Semitism, a few of which were to get to know our own history and to continue to strive to learn and grow. To approach the unknown with a mind set on learning first as we seek to understand. When Israel was attacked, one of the first acts of our Congregation was to have Rabbi Michael teach us about Gaza, to help us understand the greater context of what we were seeing. Our Rabbis seem to know just what we need in each moment to engage our minds through sermon and ongoing educational opportunities.

High Holy Days this year was a brilliant showcase of the talent we have here at TI. Rob & Julie Aronson lit up the Bimah with their voices, and the Ruach band, pianist Dan Vizer, Miss Megan of DECC fame, and the many other incredible singers that accompanied each service made the holidays so special. And of course, the sermons from our Rabbis...just like Friday night Shabbat worship fills our souls for the week ahead, the High Holy Days truly inspired us for the year to come.

Repair of the World
This past year offered lots of opportunities to give back. From our Personal Care Item Drive to baking pies, to the Thanksgiving Dinner and Mitzvah Market, and the many services opportunities held after services such as packing diapers or emergency contraceptive kits for the community, or supporting Monroe Elementary. There are just too many mitzvahs to name! Our community's dedication to making the world a better place for others is simply inspirational.

As reform Jews, we believe in constantly reexamining our traditions, our faith, and our practice. This year the Board took a look at who we were and where we're headed, and for the first time in our history, voted to amend the By-Laws so that we'd be able to have two Senior Rabbis. Believing that our future is stronger with Rabbi Amy & Rabbi Michael co-leading our Congregation — we were now able to promote Rabbi Michael to Senior Rabbi alongside his Rabbinical partner and wife, ensuring they remain at the helm.

This past year has been a good one. Our Education Center programs, from DECC and Religious & Hebrew School to B’nai Mitzvah and Confirmation, are going strong. This calendar year, we have a Bar or Bat Mitzvah almost every weekend, and our membership continues to grow and flourish.

We have also been so fortunate this past year that a number of large bequests were received, fortifying our building funds and allowing us to embark on some much needed repairs and improvements. If you are considering leaving a legacy gift in your will, Temple Israel's Heritage Society allows you to make a difference in the lives of your Temple family now and into the future. Turn to page 14 to hear from Lou Loebner, a TI member who is proud to establish his legacy at Temple Israel, and to view the names of Temple members who have helped to secure our past, present, and future through a legacy gift.

Finally, as the 37th President of this Congregation, it is my honor to introduce you to the 38th — l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation. I began my time on the Board of Trustees when JoAnne Levy was president. I served on the Executive Committee with JoAnne, Dee Mogerman, and Rob Litz as presidents. I am now handing the gavel to Amy Knoblock-Hahn to serve as the 38th president of Congregation Temple Israel. Each president brings a certain style to the role, a new lens on the issues of the day, and a new energy.  I am excited to see what the next year will bring knowing that the leadership of Congregation Temple Israel is in great hands with Amy.

Whatever our future holds — and I know it will be good — we will continue to look to our Rabbis for guidance, support, and leadership, and embrace each other for community, connection, and strength in celebration and when we need it most. Please always remember, I am here for you as a past-president, Temple family member, and friend, and that Temple Israel is here for you, always.

Louise Losos

Louise's Address to the Congregation can also be found in our 2023 Annual Reportas well as many 

Fri, October 18 2024 16 Tishrei 5785