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High Holy Days Personal Care Item Drive

Repairing the world, one tube of toothpaste at a time...

Imagine having to go to work or school not feeling clean, or not having access to the basic products you need to feel comfortable and confident. Many local individuals and families face this dilemma every day, and the SNAP (food stamps) program doesn't allow the purchase of personal care products.

For the past 24 years, Temple Israel has been collecting and donating personal care items to the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry throughout the High Holy Days season to provide thousands of people with these essentials. It's a TI tradition to do this mitzvah together as a community.

Thank you to our Drive co-chairs Michael Bloom and Lisa & Steve Darrish.

Get Involved!
Make a difference during our Personal Care Drive in one or more of these ways:

Sort donated personal care items on Yom Kippur afternoon
Saturday, October 12 | Following morning services - 12:30 pm | Kriegshaber Foyer
All are invited to help us organize, sort, box, and bag the personal care items for donation. No RSVP necessary; just come by and lend a hand!

Donate Items:
Drop off personal care items in the blue bins labeled "Food Pantry" near the May Chapel entrance or bring your donations with you to any of our High Holy Days services.

Some of the most needed items are:
antibacterial wipes | body wash | bar soap | shampoo | conditioner | toilet paper | paper towels | laundry detergent | dish soap | hand sanitizer | hand soap | diapers | feminine protection | toothpaste | dental floss | toothbrushes | deodorant | lotion | tissues

Monetary Contributions:
Using the form below, make a tax-deductible contribution to the Personal Care Item Drive. 

   Toothbrushes - $4
   Floss - $8
   Toothpaste - $10
   Hand Soap - $24
   Hand Sanitizer - $36
   Shampoo & Conditioner - $48
   Toilet Paper - $80
   Laundry Detergent - $180
   Feminine Protection - $360
Please note: The minimum donation amount is $18; all monetary contributions will be used as they are most needed, not necessarily on the items indicated.
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785